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The quote says: “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night”. I have always been enamored by the stars. Whenever I walk outside at night I immediately look up. They are a constant reminder of how small I am and how big the universe is. The stars make me wonder. I am so curious as to what is out there. Whenever I think about this, I am partly excited and partly horrified. I am excited because what if we found life out there in the universe, how amazing that would be. I am horrified because even if we did find life I do not know if that would add meaning to my life. I do not know if it would be a comfort if we were not the only ones out there. I think that if other life was found my new question would be: Why do they exist as well? I am coming to a realization that I will never know why I exist, and I do find that frustrating. In order to cope with this, I have focused my meaning on the journey of discovery. I am aware that I will remain frustrated with my inability to know the reason for my existence, but this is something I must come to peace with. I believe I can do this by staying curious and exploring what is out there. I can devote my life to experiencing what nature and others provide for me. By constantly searching for new perspectives, I will be on a constant progression towards knowledge.

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