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The Journey

It was a cold, rainy morning when my sisters, Amanda and Danielle, and our cousin, Natasha, decided to go on a walk in the woods. We happened upon this path that branched off from our original trail. I was both intrigued and mortified by this new trail. It was very ominous. When I looked at this trail, I instantly compared it to my future. I understood that I was becoming more focused on the journey instead of the end goal. I cannot see the end of the trail, the only way I can get there is to keep walking forward. The only way I can find meaning is to keep moving forward in life with no particular end goal in mind, but to experience the journey. I thought I had it all figured out as we began to walk down the trail. I was walking next to my twin sister Amanda, and if I were to be honest, I was not taking in my surroundings. I was too busy thinking about meaning and how I was supposed to find it in my life. I was completely contradicting my philosophy on experiencing life because my mind was distracted by other thoughts. It was then that Amanda stopped me and said, “Isn’t it remarkable how we look at every tree with great admiration and respect no matter how tall, skinny, or broken they are? Imagine if we looked at people the same way.” At first, this completely took me by surprise. I had no idea why she would say something like this, until I stopped and really took in my surroundings. She was right. There were tall trees, fat trees, trees that were broken on the ground, and every single one was beautiful. In fact, I was overwhelmed by their beauty. I was overwhelmed in general. I was hyperaware of how fragile perspective can be. How one person can say something that can completely tear apart your previous perspective and replace it with a new lens filled with wisdom and change. This discovery adds meaning to my life because I know that I must be attentive and accepting of new perspectives because they can add color and new ideas to the way in which I currently see the world.

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