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My little sister, Danielle, who sits playing the piano, is a complicated human being. I would consider us to be close, however, it is often difficult for me to understand her. She usually does not show her emotions, and it is hard to determine what she is thinking. I always assumed that she just had problems communicating her emotions and feelings. I never thought once that I may be the one who was bad at reading her emotions, until I watched her play the piano. I have been present plenty of times while she plays, but I typically close my eyes and simply enjoy the sound of the music. It was not until this moment that I actually watched her. Her face was a mix of serenity and concentration. Her fingers moved effortlessly across the keys. Her fingers expressed her personality as she created music I had never heard before. Her entire body emanated pure, unadulterated joy. She was completely at peace with herself. She was not this complicated and confusing person I always thought she was. Instead, she was a musician, a performer, my baby sister, a confident young women. She was all of these at once. She was Danielle. Watching this beautiful display of music and emotion opened my mind and my heart. This forever changed my perspective of my little sister. She is not something to be constantly figured out; she is someone to be experienced.  


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